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Avocado & Egg Toast

By June 15, 2018Breakfast
Plate of Avocado Egg Toast

I have to admit, I was late to the avocado toast game. In fact, my kids were eating it way before I was. I never have minded avocado, but there was something about it that didn’t seem like it belonged on toast so I was always reluctant to try it. But then I did and now my eggs and toast feel naked without it.

The good fat in the avocado is really filling and combined with the protein in the egg and toast, I find that this is a breakfast that really holds me (it also makes a great weekend lunch, too!) Many people are surprised when I tell them that sourdough is my favorite bread, and not just because it tastes good—it’s loaded with health benefits and in my opinion, the healthiest bread out there.

Instead of baker’s yeast (which is usually what’s responsible for making dough rise), sourdough bread is made from a which is wild yeast and lactic acid and takes much longer to ferment and rise than other types of dough. Because of this, it’s loaded with pre and probiotics, which are super beneficial to our gut health and it contains higher amounts of vitamins and antioxidants than other breads and lower amounts of gluten. When it’s not available at my local store, I usually choose a sprouted bread like Ezekiel’s.

  • Makes enough for 1.
  • 2 pieces sprouted whole grain bread (like Ezekiel’s) OR 2 pieces sourdough (try to get from local bakery—with sourdough (and most breads) there should only be a few ingredients: flour, water, salt and in this case, sourdough starter.
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ avocado
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  1. Carve out flesh of avocado in bowl. Season with salt and pepper and mash with fork until creamy.
  2. Put toast in toaster.
  3. Cook eggs however you desire.
  4. Spread avocado on top of toast, lay cooked eggs on top and enjoy!